Thursday, February 3, 2011


Click here to visit the H-Mart website and online grocery store!
By Zoe

Not too long ago, one of the shopping centers near our house was entirely redone. Our speculations were that it wouldn't really do well because it had no major store to bring in shoppers. There was a restaurant specializing in Korean tofu soup and a barbecue buffet. The biggest store there was an H-Mart. Of course, these speculations were made before we had any idea whatsoever what an H-Mart was. So one day, out of sheer curiosity, my mom and I went to H-Mart. I was immediately blown away. H-Mart is probably the most amazing Asian grocery store on the planet. Or at least in the country. After walking in the door, we encountered an enormous food court and a bakery/coffee shop. Just after that was an array of little stores, with toys, clothes, kitchen tools and even furniture! This store had EVERYTHING!  There was essentially anything you could ever want from an American grocery store, just with a bigger selection. For example, you could buy tomato or pumpkin-flavored candies, and red bean or sesame ice cream as well as vanilla. There are all sorts of Asian groceries, and an abundance of pickles like kimchi. But what really got both of us was the fresh-foods section. One area was filled with tanks of live, swimming fish. If that's not your thing (because it certainly isn't mine) head over to the produce section. It's like a family reunion for your favorite fruits and veggies: all the slightly weird cousins you have never met. There had to be at least twenty types of greens! We ended up with some oyster mushrooms, sweet potatoes, pears, little cookies with chocolate inside, coconut soy milk, amazing hot sauce, and instant rice-cake soup, which i have yet to try. H-Mart is my New Official Favorite Grocery Store Ever, and if you ever get the chance to visit one, I hope you find it as amazing as I did!


  1. Very nice descriptions! Makes me want to go check out HMART right now! Thank you for the information... I look forward to reading about more nice places to visit and shop!

  2. Thanks...I was wondering what was in there...I'll have to check it out!

  3. I'm soooo stopping by! Thanks for the post.
    By the way, any comments on that bbq buffet? I think I might do both in one day!

  4. Congrats Deb, you've raised a wonderfully talented food writer!

    - Biff

  5. Thanks Biff!

    Haven't eaten at the BBQ Buffet, but I'm told it's good. There's also a large take-out BBQ department in H-Mart.
