Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Not-So-Quick Oats

by Deb

Last weekend, while food shopping with Zoe, I was about to buy a cylinder of quick oats when she stopped me.

"Mom, can we get Irish oats?"
"I dunno. I want to try them."
"Um, OK..."

So we got the steel-cut Irish-style oats instead. Now it's Tuesday morning, and as Zoe has just finished up the last of the quick oats, I am left with the new Irish variety to try.  I read the directions: "simmer for 30 minutes or until desired consistency." 30 minutes? On a weekday morning? Are they crazy? Well, I figured, I'll just use the microwave.  Then I see those words that never fail to make me cringe...


Great.  Well, having set my heart on oatmeal today I get to work. I boil the water, stir in the oats, then lower the heat to simmer as it thickens.  Then, as I stand there stirring and waiting and waiting an unexpected thing happens...I relax.  What's the rush? I notice that this oatmeal is thick and smells wonderful, rich and nutty - nothing like those other oats. When I finally try it (well under 30 minutes later, by the way) I am hooked.  With a little butter and a drizzle of maple syrup, it was easily the most delicious oatmeal I have ever tasted. And the girls still made it to school on time, with lunches and everything.

No Big Hurry Irish-style Oatmeal
serves 2-4

3 cups water
1 cup steel-cut oats
pinch of salt

Bring the water to a boil and stir in the oats and salt.  Simmer until desired consistency (around 20 minutes if you like it a little chewy, 30 minutes if you'd like softer oats).  Serve immediately with butter, maple syrup, cinnamon, or whatever you like.

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