Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Not-So-Quick Oats

by Deb

Last weekend, while food shopping with Zoe, I was about to buy a cylinder of quick oats when she stopped me.

"Mom, can we get Irish oats?"
"I dunno. I want to try them."
"Um, OK..."

So we got the steel-cut Irish-style oats instead. Now it's Tuesday morning, and as Zoe has just finished up the last of the quick oats, I am left with the new Irish variety to try.  I read the directions: "simmer for 30 minutes or until desired consistency." 30 minutes? On a weekday morning? Are they crazy? Well, I figured, I'll just use the microwave.  Then I see those words that never fail to make me cringe...


Great.  Well, having set my heart on oatmeal today I get to work. I boil the water, stir in the oats, then lower the heat to simmer as it thickens.  Then, as I stand there stirring and waiting and waiting an unexpected thing happens...I relax.  What's the rush? I notice that this oatmeal is thick and smells wonderful, rich and nutty - nothing like those other oats. When I finally try it (well under 30 minutes later, by the way) I am hooked.  With a little butter and a drizzle of maple syrup, it was easily the most delicious oatmeal I have ever tasted. And the girls still made it to school on time, with lunches and everything.

No Big Hurry Irish-style Oatmeal
serves 2-4

3 cups water
1 cup steel-cut oats
pinch of salt

Bring the water to a boil and stir in the oats and salt.  Simmer until desired consistency (around 20 minutes if you like it a little chewy, 30 minutes if you'd like softer oats).  Serve immediately with butter, maple syrup, cinnamon, or whatever you like.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Pumpkin Marmalade

by Zoe

We made this recipie because I bought a pumpkin at the farmer's market and didn't want to make it into pie, or anything that could have easily been accomplished with canned pumpkin. I like this recipie, but it is pretty sweet. If you like your marmalade to be less sweet, consider using a lemon or two in place of  or along with the orange when you make this recipie.


1 small pumpkin (ours was a 2 pound sugar pumpkin)
for each pound of pumpkin:
1/2 orange
1/2 cup water
1 cup sugar
1 tbsp. powdered ginger

Peel and remove seeds from pumpkin and cut into chunks.  Peel the orange and thinly slice the rind. In a large pot bring the water and sugar to a boil, then lower the heat and stir until it starts to thicken. Add the pumpkin and orange rind and simmer for about 90 minutes, or until the pumpkin starts to get really soft and translucent. Then add the rest of the orange (thinly sliced with pits removed) and the ginger and simmer for 15 minutes more. Put it into jars and enjoy!